قام المستشار الثقافي للسفارة العراقية بزيارة MUI

قام المستشار الثقافي للسفارة العراقية الدكتور أمجد حامد المظفر والوفد المرافق بزيارة جامعة اصفهان الطبية ، كما التقوا وتحدثوا مع عميد الجامعة الدكتور شيراني يوم الثلاثاء 30 آب لتسليم الشهادة. وموافقة وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي بجمهورية العراق.

In this meeting, which was also attended by the Vice-Chancellor of the University, International Affairs Management and the Director of International Education Development, Dr. Shirani in his speech, pointed out the deep connection between Iraq and Iran, and emphasized the readiness of this university to cooperate in attracting international students in various fields, as well as holding short-term training courses (fellowship), specialized, sub-specialized and the implementation of joint research and treatment programs with Iraq.

While presenting the certificate, Dr. Amjad Hamid Al-Muzaffar stressed the constructive and extensive interaction between the universities of Iraq and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences as one of the best universities in the country and expressed his satisfaction with establishing this relationship.

In the following, Dr. Masoumi, the vice-chancellor of the university, also gave detailed explanations about the facilities of the university for international students.

It is worth mentioning that this meeting ended with a visit to the International Education Center.