Payment of tuition fees

From now on, students should not pay their tuition fees at the Vice-chancellery of Education. Instead, the fees should be paid at Bank Melli Iran (Isfahan university branch) according to the following steps:

1- Referring to the financial affairs of International Education Center to determine the amount of tuition fees that student should pay
2- Referring to the income section of Vice-chancellery of Education and take tuition receipt that student should pay
3- Going to Bank Melli Iran (Isfahan university branch)
4- Paying the fees at counter one (Ms. Satvat)
5- Handing over the perforated receipt to the income section of Vice-chancellery of Education
6- Taking the final receipt of tuition payment from the financial affairs of International Education Center

The payable dollars must:

1- Belong to 2009 and after
2- Without stamp
3- Be new
4- Without hole and rupture

Published on: 
السبت, يونيو 18, 2022