The School of Nursing and Midwifery actively has engaged in teaching students in nursing, midwifery and surgical technology. With 80 faculty members, the school is one of the most prestigious schools in the country.
Since 1986, training course for nursing students and in 1989, training course for midwifery students have been transformed into undergraduate courses. Training students in the surgical technology in associate degree began in 1987 and then in 2008 surgical technology at the undergraduate level was started.
In the Graduate School of Nursing and Midwifery at the graduate level, training for nursing, medical surgical nursing, public health, pediatric, psychiatric nursing and management disciplines started since 1989, and in 1990 admission of students for master of midwifery began. Since 2015, training of students for surgical technology at graduate level was launched.
Since 2003, Ph.D. course in nursing and in 2006, PhD course for reproductive health, began with permission for admission in PhD training courses at the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
Based on the principle of “healthy human” and “all things for health”, The School of Nursing and Midwifery aims to educate the next generation of students. We do our best to train innovative and dedicated students who are ready for professional positions.
The School of Nursing and Midwifery wants to train skilled and committed students. We believe that to gain a prominent place, everyday learning is crucial; thus, we do our best to educate creative and thoughtful students with state-of-the-art educational processes at the undergraduate, master and Ph.D. levels.
Department and Majors
The school has seven departments of Nursing, Midwifery and Surgical Technology. Three majors are offered to undergraduate students: nursing, midwifery and surgical technology. At graduate and postgraduate levels, the Nursing department presents 7 majors: Adult Health Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Pediatric Nursing and Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing. Also, the Midwifery department offers Reproductive Health, Midwifery Education, Community-Based Midwifery and Juridical Midwifery and Surgical Technology offers Surgical Technology.
Students are also trained in 11 majors like nursing, midwifery, operating room, medicine; anesthesiology; occupational health, radiology lab, physiotherapy, medical records, prosthesis, occupational and speech therapy. The majors hold skill educational workshops for nurses, health centers staff and students. It is equipped with advanced educational simulators and facilities by which students practice clinical procedures.
The courses improve knowledge and skills required for nursing services, midwifery and surgical technology. They cover the areas of health, treatment, rehabilitation, training and management. Also, we hold workshops to support needs of scholars and society.
This school is equipped with Clinical Skill Lab, six classes for teaching basic clinical skills as well as classes for physical examination, pediatric intensive skills, ICU, CCU, emergencies, midwifery, and health and operating room.
Area of Focus
The faculty's focus is all preventive interventions care from potential diseases, necessary care concerning acute diseases and rehabilitation of chronic diseases.
National & International Cooperation
Our international research cooperation is mainly with:
- Department of Health Care Sciences at Ersta Skondal University College in Stockholm
- Kagoshima University, Japan
- UMC Expert, Voorburg. the Netherlands
Prize and Honor
The school won several times first rank of Nursing and Midwifery among Iranian schools in 2004, 2011 and 2014.
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