Dr. Shahin Shirani

Chancellor of Medical University of Isfahan

Associate Professor 

Field of Study: Fellowship in Cardiology

School: School of Medicine

Department: Cardiology

Phone: +98 31 37929500

Fax: 36687701


  • Responsibility for all affairs of the institution and the proper implementation of the Board of Trustees' resolutions within the limits of approved regulations, bylaws, and directives issued by the Ministry, and notifying relevant units as appropriate, and legal representation of the institution before competent authorities;
  • Preparation and proposal of strategic plans, policies, goals, and guidelines for presentation to the Board of Trustees;
  • Determining the executive policy of the institution based on the approved strategic plans of the relevant Board of Trustees, planning and guiding cultural, educational, training, research, student, health and medical, service, and management and resource development activities of the institution within the framework of the defined strategic plans;
  • Careful and continuous supervision of the proper implementation of educational, cultural, training, research, student, health and medical, service, employment, appointment, assignment, dismissal, promotion and advancement of faculty members, management and resource development, employment, recruitment, appointment, assignment, promotion and dismissal of employees and all internal and international communications of the institution and coordination of various units and accountability to competent authorities and follow-up of possible defects and violations and referral to competent authorities;
  • Protecting the interests and rights of the institution in legal authorities (including judicial, executive, administrative, etc.) on behalf of the institution;
  • Preparation of financial-transactional, administrative, employment and organizational bylaws, organizational chart and organization of the institution, as well as their modification and amendment within the framework of the rules and regulations of the Ministries and proposal to the Board of Trustees for legal proceedings;
  • Preparation of the institution's annual detailed budget, in compliance with the provisions of the financial and transactional bylaw, and submission to the Board of Trustees, as well as monitoring the manner of spending the allocated budget to the institution;
  • Signing contracts, binding documents, national documents, administrative documents and correspondence of the institution within the framework of approved rules and regulations and responsibility for the financial affairs of the institution in accordance with laws, financial and transactional bylaws, administrative regulations and approved regulations, accountability to the Board of Trustees for audit reports, follow-up and resolution of problems and issues raised in the audit report and presentation of actions taken to the Board of Trustees;
  • Providing an annual performance report of educational, research, cultural, executive, financial and accounting activities of the institution to the Board of Trustees and the relevant Ministry;
  • Appointment and dismissal of members of the Board of Directors, real members of the institution's councils, heads of faculties, research institutes, educational institutions, affiliated institutions and units, and directors of educational and research groups and headquarters managers of the institution; Note - Only in institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, the head of the institution may delegate the authority to appoint and dismiss managers of units located in cities to the highest executive authority in the relevant city.
  • Submitting proposals for the establishment, development, dissolution and merger of units in coordination with the institution's council to the relevant Board of Trustees;
  • Submitting proposals for scientific cooperation with other domestic and foreign educational or research institutions to the institution's council in accordance with relevant rules and regulations;
  • Establishing an advisory council consisting of five prominent and outstanding professors in various educational, research, cultural and executive fields, preferably with a scientific rank higher than assistant professor;
  • Supervising the disciplinary affairs of the institution (faculty - students - employees) within the framework of relevant rules and regulations.