International Midwives’ Day

Midwives are very essential to women during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth and even during the post-delivery period. Indeed, the role of midwives is not only unbelievable but also unparalleled. For this reason, May 5th has been designated as “International Midwives’ Day” by the World Health Organization and the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM). This day is also known as the International Day of the Midwife.

International Day of the Midwife is a good opportunity to draw the attention of people to the position and importance of the midwifery profession in promoting family health and community health, and through that, creating a safe environment for a bright future.

Every year, a slogan is announced for World Midwives Day. 2021 theme is “Follow the Data: Invest in Midwives”.  This year, ICM as a global midwives community aims to advocate for investment in quality midwifery care around the world, improving sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health in the process.